My Channel

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Carpool Conversations -- Our New #Podcast

That's right, we've made a podcast. Han and I regularly take a carpool together to work and we frequently have conversations. My daughter wanted me to call it "We're awesome and you should listen to us" but we decided on "Car Pool Conversations."

Since this is a political blog, we naturally decided to spend the first 20 minutes discussing in detail the new Star Wars movie. Then we move on to Obama's poll numbers, bad art, and false courage. It's about 45 minutes in all. You can also download here.

By the way, we are well aware that the audio quality of our voices, given the mics we have to work with and the background noise in the car, isn't the best but we hope the content will overcome that. Plus we are learning better audio techniques so bear with us. Also, there are some f-bombs here and there so NSFW just in case.

Here's the link I said I wouldn't read out:

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